Or success depending on how you look at it. This past weekend I went for my first official trail ride. I've owned my mountain bike for several years but until recently the hubs only had a BMX so we stayed on the roads while riding together. Now that we both have mbikes we are taking on trail riding.
My 1st Trail Ride
We rode with a friend of ours who rides often. We counted on DMB to be our guide, funny little story..we got lost!!
DMB insisted on meeting at the Alafia River State Park by 8:30 am. On a weekday, no problem but on a Saturday, you get this...
"Are you serious? The sun isn't even up yet!"
Easy fix, a cup or two of coffee and I am feeling a bit more ready for this exciting adventure.
We made it on time, unloaded the bikes and got ready to roll...
Me and the hubs in our silly gear!
Me and DMB
The plan was to ride the "Easy Loop" which is a beginner trail. We got going and were having a great time. The weather was just right. The swamp lands offered a canopy of trees to keep us shaded and the trails weren't too bad despite some recent rain. There was a section of the park closed due to flooding. Once you get back in the woods it is easy to get lost.
Tip: There is room at every sign to pull off the trail, check your map, and take your intended route. Take the time to do this so you don't get stuck on a trail you may not be ready for. I speak from experience!
Here is a copy of the map. Remember, we were only planning to do the "green" Easy Loop.
We had no problem sticking to the green "Sand Pine" but after that is where we went wrong..

We ended up on Rock Garden.
The blue wasn't too bad and if I could have breathed at this point it would have been a lot of fun. Unfortunately for me, I am allergic to all the wonders of Florida. Being in a swamp land, heavily breathing in all those wonderful and earthy things gave me a heck of a time. I wasn't prepared for this aspect of my ride. Next time I will be dosed up on histamine blockers with inhaler in tow.
Aside from giving the hubs the scare of his life, he thought I was going to pass out and stop breathing, we had such a great time. He said he would see something coming up and think "oh she is going to wipe out and I am going to laugh" and then I would make it. I laughed... he has no idea how insanely competitive I am. Even being unable to breathe, I finished! I had to walk a few times to get the oxygen I needed but dang it...I am NOT a quitter..I finished.
After we got back to the truck, I decided it would be best for me to sit the next trail out. I didn't realize we had done two trails already. I just knew our ride was 3 miles and 45 minutes long. I am looking forward to next time.
As DMB and hubs went to ride the next trail I found a relaxing spot in the back of the truck to rest. Note to self: always leave life jackets in car, they make great pillows.
And of course our dirty proof..
I really enjoyed this ride. Yesterday I found some new parks to ride at over by the beaches. Until next time...
Where is your favorite place to ride?
Do you have any "lost" stories from your own rides?